Tag: Ron Raul

Ronald Ernest “Ron” Paul (born August 20, 1935) is an American medical doctor, author, Republican U.S. Congressman of the House of Representatives and candidate for the 2012 Republican Party presidential nomination. Paul is currently the U.S. Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas, which comprises the area south and southwest of the Greater Houston region, including Galveston. Paul serves on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Joint Economic Committee, and the House Committee on Financial Services, and is Chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, where he has been an outspoken critic of current American foreign and monetary policy.

A Few Thoughts on the Republican CNN/Tea Party Debate

Okay, so I tuned into the debate a little late, closer to the half-time mark than the start; but here are my thoughts on a few topics that were discussed as well as the performance of the candidates.

Overall: I liked the format and the way Wolf Blitzer conducted the debate, himself, and the way he represented CNN. I liked answers by the candidates to the questions posed to them. I thought for the most part they kept it civil and didn’t sling any real mud at each other. They stayed focused on the issues, and almost uniformly presented a theme of personal freedom and responsibility; and a pro-growth economic theme that focused on the ability of the American people and not the government.