Tag: spending gap

Where is the “Beef?” I Mean Where is the News?

As the week winds down, and I look back at the events of the week; the negotiations over the U.S. Debt Ceiling dominated the news. However in looking at the press stories concerning the negotiations, for the most part they seem about as informative as talking to my dog.

The vast majority of the stories I have reviewed are more focused on the petty aspects of the discussions and the ridiculous comments being made by Harry Reid. This is one of the most important issues of the year, and probably the next several years. These negotiations and their results have the ability to impact all of our lives for next several years, and there is almost no coverage of the real positions being taken by either side.

This is where I have a massive problem with the major media outlets. They have an inherent tendency to focus on sound bites and the quick and easy aspects of a story.